Solutions for your Health and Wellbeing
Live an Active Well-being and have a Wellness Home
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Global Wellness Nikken Community
Individuals with Active Welness and Wellness Homes
You obviously share the desire for better health and vibrant living, otherwise you wouldn't be on my website. Like you, more and more people are seriously interested in investing in their well-being. Who knows, maybe it took a pandemic to raise awareness that taking care of our health is paramount.
The real possibility of a healthier and longer life has been something fundamental for me personally and professionally for more than 10 years and, believe me, it is in your control!
The easiest and fastest way to get there is to choose to live in an environment that helps you live in Active Wellness, from your best self full of energy and vitality!
Surely you wonder, what is an environment that supports your well-being?
La respuesta simple: Lo llamamos
Hogar de Bienestar = Imagínate un invernadero para seres humanos!
The Wellness Home recreates the 5 Energy Sources of nature:
Agua – Aire – Luz Descanso-Sueño – Nutrición
Contamos con patentes exclusivas de tecnología japonesa que recrean estas Fuentes de Energía (es lo que se conoce como Biomimética o Biomimetismo) para ayudar a nuestro cuerpo en su trabajo de reparación y restauración del equilibrio.
Our scientists/inventors created our unique products by putting 3 technologies in them:
The Technology that produces the effects of the Terrestrial Electromagnetic Field = Magnetic Technology
Technology that produces the effects of the Sun's energy.
The Technology that produces the effects of Air Energy = Negative Ions
Contamos con varias líneas de productos, únicas en el mercado:
💚 Highly filtered, alkaline, ionized, mineralized water systems.
💚 Air purifier with Hepa 13 filter and negative ion generator (air vitamins)
💚 Lencería y productos para la cama con tecnologías que te ayudan a un buen dormir
💚 Support and Relaxation products
💚 Plant-Based Organic Nutritional Supplements
💚 Organic Skin Care
Algunos de los beneficios que puedes sentir al usar nuestros productos son:
✅ Sentir más energía y vitalidad
✅ Alivio de malestares corporales
✅ Mejorar tu sueño
✅ Te protegen contra la contaminación por Radiación Electromagnética (EMF-Electrosmog)
✅ Eliminan estrés oxidativo que tanto nos envejece
✅ Brindan una mejor calidad de vida en general.
Usan la tecnología de la manera correcta, para devolvernos la armonía con la naturaleza, en lugar de separarnos de ella. Si no puedes ir todos los días a la naturaleza, te llevamos la naturaleza a tu Hogar! 💚🌿
If you contact me I can send you super interesting, educational-informative emails that will give you knowledge that almost no one has. They will include testimonials and product demonstrations, as well as experts from outside our company who will explain the importance and benefit of our technologies.
Todos los lunes a las 8:30 pm hora de Miami (en inglés), estás invitado a un Zoom con personas que comparten testimonios de vivir con estas tecnologías del Hogar de Bienestar. ¡Recuerda que está abierto para ti y todos tus amigos y familiares!
If you want a one-on-one meeting via Zoom to get personalized information, text me on WhatsApp.
Visita mi canal de YouTube GITA PIMENTEL dando click here para conocer múltiples testimonios/historias de bienestar de clientes satisfechos o de otros consultores independientes como yo. Pídeme los videos privados y sorpréndete con esas historias!
Thank you for your interest and for helping us share Wellness Home Stories around the world!
How to improve your Quality of Life
The water that you drink matters | The water you drink matters
How to breathe clean air at home
How to have a deep and restorative sleep?
Toxins and chronic disease | Toxinas y enfermedades crónicas
Wellness Environments
The 5 Pillars of Wellness
Toxins and chronic disease | Toxinas y enfermedades crónicas
A better way To Generate Income

Nikken recreates the Energy Sources that nature gives us and brings them closer to your Life
Nikken recreates the Energy Sources that nature gives us and brings them closer to your Life with unique, innovative, highly effective, and ecological,non-invasive, or chemical, visiting my my custom store.

How do I view and purchase my Products on Nikken?
1. Click the button «Visit Nikken Store»Or alternatively click HERE. When you access you will see a banner with my information such as Nikken Independent Advisor.
1. After accessing the store you will see a series of Items in the upper banner where you will find the option «Products«.
2. Choose the optionProducts»And you will see 4 categories: Nutrition, Personal Care, Rest and Relaxation and Environment. Choose the category of your preference.
3. Select the quantity of the product (s) you want and then Add them to your Cart. When you finish choosing your products, click on «Checkout»To process your payment and purchase.